Patient Participation Group

What is the Patient Participation Group?

Abbey Road  Surgery Patient Group was set up in 2015 so that we could listen and engage with our patient population in order to support service improvement and better meet the needs of the practice population.

The PPG aims to:

  • Develop a partnership with patients
  • Discover what our patients think about the services we provide and establish their priorities
  • Provide a platform to test and modify future ideas and plans
  • Improve patient care, quality, experience and safety
  • Promote patient empowerment

It provides evidence-based feedback to the practice about the services the practice offers and works with the surgery to improve Practice services.


The membership is open and any patient registered on the Practice list is eligible to participate in PPG activity, in person or virtually.

As agreed with the PPG the Practice will provide the necessary support to enable the group to function effectively.

The meetings are held here at the Practice; usually on a Wednesday evening on a bi-monthly basis.


The contribution of patients to PPG activity is a valued resource and it is recognised that members give their time freely to contribute.

There is no expectation for frequency of attendance or participation. Non-PPG members who wish to attend the PPG meeting as observers are welcome.

Accountability and Governance

The PPG is accountable to the public, who will expect PPG members to behave with probity and to exhibit good governance.

The Practice has statutory responsibilities on information governance, e.g. confidentiality, and has a duty of care to all patients. The Practice will never disclose patient information to any patient or PPG member.

So that the Practice population can have confidence in the running, probity and governance of the PPG all approved PPG members sign up to these principles as set out below.

Governance Principles

  • The Practice will never disclose patient information.
  • All communications issued from the Practice PPG have been agreed by the group in both manner and content. Individuals may not represent or imply representation of the PPG or surgery outside of agreed activity.
  • PPG members are responsible for their own behaviour but are expected to abide by the governance principles
  • All Practice PPG activity is available and accessible in the public domain  

Any breach of these principles will result in an individual no longer being an approved PPG member. They will always be entitled to comment on surgery services.

Working Methods

The PPG is an open forum for discussion where all contributions, virtual or in person, are considered equally important, and works collectively to achieve common objectives. The PPG meetings are minuted, disseminated to PPG members and reviewed at the start of the next meeting. They provide a narrative of PPG activity over the year. The minutes are also available to download from the website once approved by the Group.

Would you like to Contribute?

The PPG strives to ensure representation from diverse patient groups representing the totality of the Practice population. We promote patient involvement and encourage more patients to consider contributing to the PPG - by signing up to the Governance Principles and becoming a member, or attending meetings to observe, or contributing your views on line.

Contact us:

Telephone - 01229 821599